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TEFCA™ is a significant government initiative to enable the electronic sharing of health data nationwide. TEFCA affects the entire U.S. healthcare industry – from healthcare providers and payers, to patients and caregivers.
A program this expansive requires effective communications tailored for each stakeholder group. Presentations, diagrams, videos, byline articles, and social media are just some of the core communications mediums that we created to convey and engage the public on the benefits and impact of TEFCA.
Spire has been driving the communication efforts since TEFCA first began as a new policy initiative within the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, now the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP). From high-level messaging to tactical execution, our team supports TEFCA’s rollout at ASTP. Spire also serves The Sequoia Project, the organization designated as the Recognized Coordinating Entity by ASTP to administer TEFCA in the private sector.
ASTP, The Sequoia Project, eHealth Exchange, Kno2
Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement™ (TEFCA)
To create a visual identity for TEFCA, Spire created a logo design that exemplifies the concept of “from the many, one,” using the kaleidoscope as inspiration. The clean, modern type aligns with ASTP’s overall brand strategy.
Spire’s creation of comprehensive brand guidelines and assets ensures visual continuity across ASTP, TEFCA, The Qualified Health Information Networks™ (QHINs™), the Recognized Coordinating Entity (RCE), and related entities.
Spire communicators supported ASTP’s earliest conversations with the health IT industry and audiences through educational resource materials, including messaging and talking points, blog posts, fact sheets, explainer diagrams, and more.
For the RCE, we designed the Sequoia Project’s website as the primary gateway for the health IT community to access all the official content, including documentation and forms to become a QHIN.
Our team continues these efforts today. Working as thought partners and hands-on-keyboard doers, we craft effective strategies and tactics for ASTP and the RCE. With Spire’s support, audiences across the healthcare industry get the information they need to help realize the vision of TEFCA.
Mariann Yeager, CEO of The Sequoia Project, designated TEFCA RCE
As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through ASTP, crossed the critical milestone to operationalize TEFCA, Spire was on hand to support the launch of the first set of designated QHINs. The new TEFCA branded visuals were launched simultaneously with the naming of the designed QHINs at the live event held at HHS headquarters.
In addition to supporting ASTP and The Sequoia Project, Spire is truly at the heart of communications for TEFCA. The agency is also the communications partner to two QHINs. Our experts are helping to bring awareness and understanding for how TEFCA fulfills the promises of a better connected, digital healthcare system that was envisioned by the 21st Century Cures Act.